Bedroom luxurious interior design by Katrina Antonovich reflects the new fashion trends of the classical style. This style becomes more light and airy. A large bedroom with a fireplace is filled with pure emotions of beauty and warmth of home cosiness. The interior is dominated by a light range of shades. Beautiful bedroom covered with lace stucco patterns. A luxurious bed with a soft headboard has become one with the decor of the wall. A soft panel made of silk is decorated with thin gilt lines. The floor of marble with carved patterns became one of the main decorations of the interior. This is a sublime and romantic interior, which is created for the infinity of happy moments.
What is the absolute beauty, absolute comfort and absolute happiness? This is a very philosophical question. And, nevertheless, an interior designer Katrina Antonovich tried to answer this question with the help of the bedrooms of the project. As soon as the contemplation of the detailed visualization of the interior is beautiful emotions. I would like to be considered infinitely every corner, every curl pattern, each element of the decor. This is a completely new format of the classical style. When the time-tested canons, designers add stunning accents freshness and bright colors. Improvisation with lighting and stucco decoration with gold determined enchanting and festive mood of the interior. This beautiful bedroom interior was another beautiful gem among Antonovich Design studio design projects.
Безупречные и изысканные образы, которые создает Katrina Antonovich, обладают шармом изящества и элегантности. Дизайн спальни в классическом стиле сочетает в себе респектабельность мягкую нежность домашнего уюта. Пастельная палитра интерьера, в которой преобладает жемчужный и нежно-голубой, разбавлена акцентами теплого золота. Жемчужные переливы декоративной штукатурки на потолке идеально гармонируют с матовой штукатуркой на стенах. Текстиль играет главную роль в создании уютного настроения. По-королевски роскошная кровать с высоким мягким изголовьем окружена изысканными предметами мебели с резным декором ручной работы. Интерьер отражает безупречный вкус дизайнера и умение импровизировать с фактурами и материалами.